How to buy $SAFEMOON using Trust wallet and Pancake Swap

Here are the step by step guide for buying $SAFEMOON using trust wallet and pancake swap.

Step1 : Download TRUST wallet, using playstore/App store. then create your wallet if you are using it for first time. (Note : Dont forget to save your recovery phrase) this is the only thing you need if you lose your phone/wallet in future.

It will look like this after successful creation of wallet.

Step 2 : Now you have to transfer BNB from your binance account to Trust wallet BNB. So for that you have to first Copy the address of BNB coin of your trust wallet. you can copy the same by clicking BNB then copy recv wallet address.

Step 3 : BNB coin recv address copied from step 2, should be used in withdrawing bnb from binance. Just fill the wallet address and amount of bnb u want to send. Leave the memo blank its not required. After then Hit confirm It will take atleast 10-15 mins to appear the balance of bnb in trust wallet.

 Step 4: After recv bnb from binance, you have to swap these bnb to binance smart chain. you can do so by clicking first the three dots, then click "swap to smart chain"

Then After Swapping correctly your BNB smart chain balance will be shown.

Now this is the main balance of bnb smart chain you are going to use in pan cake swap. Halfway is done.

Step 5 : Open pancake swap by clicking DAPPS/Browser depending on android/ios in the bottom bar of Trust wallet and after that type Pancake swap in the search bar.

Then Clicking on pancake swap will lead you to next screen.verify your smart chain is selected as bsc on top left and your bnb balance coming here.

Step 6 : Finally just select the $safemoon as the other currency and just hit swap.

Please note : use the finite amount of safemoon quantity like in the multiple of hundreds else you will get error in buying

After 1-2 mins if everything happens correctly you can see safemoon in your trust wallet.

Note : This article is just for educational purposes, do everything at your own risk. This is not a financial advice, Do your own research before investing on anything.

Thanks !!!


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